Building full-text search in Javascript

Author: Wojciech Muła
Added on:2025-01-07



I dedicated the last few days of 2024 on refreshing my website. The project started around 2002, when the Internet was not widespread, there was no GitHub, Wikipedia or anything we know right now. Thus the website served also as a hosting platform for my open-source software.

I created custom python software to maintain both the articles and software. In the meantime things evolved. I started to write my texts in English, and publish them more in a blog style (although, I'm not a fan of the term "blog"), also GitHub allowed to easily distribute software. At some point of time my fancy system for static website become more cumbersome than helpful.

The decision was simple: drop the old build system, create a new one, uncomplicated and tailored to my current needs — focus only on publishing articles. A wise decision I made 20 years ago was picking reStructuedText to write texts. I prefer it over markdown. Not to mention that ReST allows to easily extend itself, which I found extremely handy.

Long story short, the new system allowed me to introduce tags, to maintain texts in draft mode and, last but not least, to let make perform all boring tasks.

But with the new build system, a new idea appeared: "how about searching?".


Indexing is solely based on trigrams. A trigram is a sequence of three letters; for instance the word "letter" contains the following trigrams: "let", "ett", "tte" and "ter".

The trigrams approach is language agnostic, and also allow to catch partial matching. For example query "conve" would yield "convex" and "convert" matches.

The process of indexing builds a map: trigram => set of document IDs having this trigram. Trigrams are always in lowercase and never contain spaces.



When we're searching, a query string is first split into words. Then each word is expanded into trigrams and the set trigrams is used to query the index.

For each trigram we get the set of document IDs and calculate intersection with the current set of IDs. If some trigram does not exist at all, we have instantly zero hits.

If the final set of IDs is not null, we search words in (lowercase) text of articles and also in their titles.

Searching results are weighed using three factors:

It seems to quite a good solution, although for sure is not perfect.

Closing words

Source code

Not on GitHub yet, but you can view it.

And try it live