SSSE3: fast popcount

Author: Wojciech Muła
Added on:2008-05-24
Last update:2017-01-28 (link to the XOP variant), 2016-11-27 (link to the paper)



Population count is a procedure of counting number of ones in a bit string. Intel introduced instruction popcnt with SSE4.2 instruction set. The instruction operates on 32 or 64-bit words.

However SSSE3 has powerful instruction PSHUFB. This instruction can be used to perform a parallel 16-way lookup; LUT has 16 entries and is stored in an XMM register, indexes are 4 lower bits of each byte stored in another XMM register.

Vector algorithm

With help of PSHUFB we can get a vector that contains population count for 16 nibbles. To get a vector of population count for each 16 byte, instruction PSHUFB have to be called twice on vectors of lower and higher nibbles, and finally added together.

Following code shows the idea:

; xmm0 - input (16 bytes)
; xmm7 - POPCOUNT_4bit  -- lookup table
; xmm6 - MASK_bits03 = packed_byte(0x0f) -- mask 4 lower bits

movdqa  %%xmm0, %%xmm1
psrlw       $4, %%xmm1

pand    %%xmm6, %%xmm0  ; xmm0 - lower nibbles
pand    %%xmm6, %%xmm1  ; xmm1 - higher nibbles

movdqa  %%xmm7, %%xmm2  ; since instruction pshufb modifies LUT
movdqa  %%xmm7, %%xmm3  ; it must be saved for further use

pshufb  %%xmm0, %%xmm2  ; xmm2 = vector of popcount for lower nibbles
pshufb  %%xmm1, %%xmm3  ; xmm3 = vector of popcount for higher nibbles

paddb   %%xmm3, %%xmm2  ; xmm2 += xmm3 -- vector of popcount for bytes

The last step is adding all bytes from vector.

Instruction PSADBW calculate sum of absolute differences of unsigned bytes — if the first arguments is full of zeros, then result is a sum of bytes from second argument. Unfortunately PSADBW invoked with 128-bits arguments calculate separate sums for bytes 0..7 and 8..15, and finally stores them in the lower and the higher quad words. Because of that few additional instructions are needed:

pxor    %%xmm0, %%xmm0  ; xmm0 = packed_byte(0x00)
psadbw  %%xmm0, %%xmm3  ; xmm3 = [popcount of bytes 0..7 | popcount of bytes 8..15]
movhlps %%xmm3, %%xmm0  ; xmm0 = [         0             | popcount of bytes 0..7 ]
paddd   %%xmm3, %%xmm0  ; xmm0 = [     not needed        | popcount of bytes 0..15]

Further improvements

PSADBW has 3 or 4 cycles latency, also additional instructions need some time to execute (I guess around 2 cycles).

PSADBW doesn't need to be called in every iteration — since max values of popcount for single byte is 8, we can perform up to floor(255/8)=31 parallel additions (PADDB) without overflow. Moreover, partial sums returned by PSADBW could be added together in the end.


pxor %%xmm5, %%xmm5             // global accumulator

while (bytes to end > 0) {
        pxor %%xmm4, %%xmm4     // local accumulator (for inner loop)

        n = min(bytes to end/16, 31)    // up to 31 blocks
        for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
                // calculate xmm3, a vector of popcount for bytes

                paddb %%xmm3, %%xmm4    // xmm4 += xmm3 -- update local acc.

        pxor   %%xmm0, %%xmm0
        psadbw %%xmm4, %%xmm0   // xmm4 -- calculate two popcounts

        // update global acc.
        paddd  %%xmm4, %%xmm5

// add halfs of global accumulator
movhlps %%xmm5, %%xmm0
paddd   %%xmm5, %%xmm0
movd    %%xmm0, %%eax   // eax = population count for all bytes

Source code

Github repository contains the original code from 2008 and also the new C++11 (2015, 2016), intrinsics-based implementation.

Experiments (64-bit code)

Program from the repository were run with default settings (make run and make run_avx2) and repeated several times. Minimal measurements were considered.

Below is the list of procedures listed in here. The repository has more variants.

procedure implementation
lookup-8 LUT-based procedure (uint8_t[266])
lookup-64 LUT-based procedure (uint8_t[266]), avoid zero-extend
bit-parallel well know method, described for example in Bit Twiddling Hacks
bit-parallel-optimized above + the trick from section "Further improvements"
harley-seal Harley-Seal variant
sse-bit-parallel SSE variant of bit-parallel
sse-lookup the method described in this text using SSE instructions
sse-lookup the method described in this text using AVX2 instructions
cpu popcnt instruction emitted via intrinsic

Core i5 (Westmere)

The CPU architecture: Core i5 M540 @ 2.53GHz (Westmere)

More details in a separate file.

procedure 32 B 64 B 128 B 256 B 512 B 1024 B 2048 B 4094 B
lookup-8 2.29884 2.20039 2.15086 2.12830 3.40985 3.38632 3.37334 3.36643
lookup-64 2.29837 2.19979 2.15067 2.12608 3.40112 3.38135 3.37165 3.36490
bit-parallel 2.13645 2.00652 1.93406 1.90567 3.01241 2.99661 2.99112 2.99828
bit-parallel-optimized 1.37812 1.23970 1.16183 1.13877 1.79016 1.77086 1.75989 1.78260
harley-seal 1.47658 1.29922 0.79424 0.63432 0.90197 0.86194 0.83491 0.85399
sse-bit-parallel 2.69418 2.40001 1.40793 0.95652 1.17003 1.00129 0.92382 0.86693
sse-lookup 0.75528 0.54195 0.34942 0.31078 0.47211 0.45694 0.44650 0.46007
cpu 0.49283 0.37799 0.32058 0.29185 0.44360 0.43213 0.42637 0.36332

CPU popcnt outperforms the code described here.

Core i7 (Haswell)

The CPU architecture: Haswell i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz.

More details in a separate file.

procedure 32 B 64 B 128 B 256 B 512 B 1024 B 2048 B 4094 B
lookup-8 1.20408 1.10938 1.06312 1.10722 1.69922 1.66315 1.64113 1.63397
lookup-64 1.17775 1.09994 1.06374 1.09102 1.67579 1.64548 1.62390 1.61094
bit-parallel 1.26768 1.10553 1.05222 1.02626 1.62086 1.61024 1.60495 1.61435
bit-parallel-optimized 1.00233 0.82545 0.72246 0.67454 1.04113 1.02366 1.01708 1.03801
harley-seal 1.00260 0.79597 0.50116 0.39440 0.54553 0.50277 0.48139 0.48978
sse-bit-parallel 2.15206 2.02008 1.09393 0.66777 0.75717 0.61179 0.53791 0.49923
sse-lookup 0.53520 0.33902 0.21379 0.18061 0.26688 0.25605 0.25054 0.25780
avx2-lookup 0.53068 0.33920 0.21373 0.13579 0.17133 0.15500 0.14293 0.17005
cpu 0.29480 0.24051 0.15478 0.13270 0.20052 0.19462 0.20843 0.21684

AVX2 code is faster than the dedicated instruction for input size 512 bytes and larger.

Core i7 (Skylake)

The CPU architecture: Skylake i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz

More details in a separate file.

procedure 32 B 64 B 128 B 256 B 512 B 1024 B 2048 B 4094 B
lookup-8 1.02956 0.94836 1.04671 0.95623 1.46018 1.42373 1.40633 1.39675
lookup-64 1.00704 0.94387 1.03233 0.94744 1.45629 1.42371 1.40747 1.39947
bit-parallel 1.05662 0.95297 0.90992 0.88908 1.40587 1.39753 1.39337 1.41585
bit-parallel-optimized 0.81278 0.69091 0.63329 0.60453 0.94443 0.93320 0.92760 0.95122
harley-seal 0.81283 0.66397 0.43348 0.34035 0.46871 0.43077 0.41181 0.41767
sse-bit-parallel 2.25432 1.70980 0.92443 0.57618 0.68189 0.58220 0.50169 0.45568
sse-lookup 0.40749 0.29802 0.18290 0.15742 0.23956 0.23057 0.22657 0.23177
avx2-lookup 0.43350 0.26368 0.17950 0.11587 0.14881 0.13729 0.12798 0.14222
cpu 0.21676 0.16256 0.13546 0.12192 0.18423 0.22065 0.19643 0.20293

Again AVX2 code is faster than the dedicated instruction for input size 256 bytes and larger.

Experiments (32-bit code) — outdated

Note 2016-03-13: this section refers to results from 2008.

ssse3_popcount.c is a test program that contains implementations of following procedures:

The first argument of the program is a function name, the second is the number of 16-byte chunks processed by the selected procedure in one iteration and the third is the iterations number.

The table shows results for different chunk count; test script I've used is available. Program was compiled with following options:

gcc -O2 -DALIGN_DATA ssse3_popcount.c -o ssse3_popcount

Tests were run on my Linux box, with Core 2 Duo E8200;


Results clearly show, that the method presented above brings significant speedup, which depends on the data size.

The straightforward SSSE3 implementation is 2-2.8 times faster, the improved around 3 times, and the unrolled 4-5 times.

procedure number of 16-byte chunks iterations time [s] speedup
lookup 1 20,000,000 0.22 100%
sse2-1 0.19 115%
sse2-2 0.20 110%
ssse3-1 0.14 157%
ssse3-2 0.16 137%
lookup 8 20,000,000 1.42 100%
sse2-1 0.92 154%
sse2-2 0.79 179%
ssse3-1 0.61 232%
ssse3-2 0.52 273%
lookup 32 2,000,000 0.55 100%
sse2-1 0.34 161%
sse2-2 0.30 183%
sse2-unrl 0.22 250%
ssse3-1 0.22 250%
ssse3-2 0.19 289%
ssse3-unrl 0.12 458%
lookup 128 200,000 0.21 100%
sse2-1 0.13 161%
sse2-2 0.11 190%
sse2-unrl 0.08 262%
ssse3-1 0.08 262%
ssse3-2 0.07 299%
ssse3-unrl 0.04 525%
lookup 512 200,000 0.86 100%
sse2-1 0.53 162%
sse2-2 0.45 191%
sse2-unrl 0.34 252%
ssse3-1 0.34 252%
ssse3-2 0.26 330%
ssse3-unrl 0.18 477%
lookup 1024 200,000 1.73 100%
sse2-1 1.07 161%
sse2-2 0.90 192%
sse2-unrl 0.68 254%
ssse3-1 0.69 250%
ssse3-2 0.52 332%
ssse3-unrl 0.38 455%
lookup 2048 200,000 3.47 100%
sse2-1 2.14 162%
sse2-2 1.80 192%
sse2-unrl 1.37 253%
ssse3-1 1.38 251%
ssse3-2 1.06 327%
ssse3-unrl 0.76 456%


Daniel Lemire has gave me access to computers with Haswell and Skylake processors, thanks to that I could play with AVX2 code and run tests. Kim Walisch contributed the Harley-Seal implementation. There were some fixes and enhancements to sample code by various people. Thank you.

See also
